
Welcome to the Blog!

Welcome to the class blog!  The blog was created to help facilitate YOUR learning.  You are able to access work associated with certain units -- including documents. What this means is that you will never have to wonder what we did in class if you are absent concerning the particular units. You will never be able to say, "Ms. Burnell, I lost (do not have, never received, could not find, etc.) the assignment/worksheet/handout and so I could not do it."  To that I say, "Baloney!!"  All the information you need to complete your work will be on this blog.  IT IS UP TO YOU to get the assignments off the blog when you are absent, or have forgotten what is required.  I will always do my best to be the teacher you need; therefore, I, in return, expect you to be a responsible individual who is accountable for your own performance in class.

Another great aspect of the blog is the "comments" section associated with each post that will enable me to give you help/directions/answer questions to help you complete any work.  Often you will find that I will give you a "helpful hints" post in order to give you further guidance on an assignment or to help you understand a difficult concept.  When we have certain units that we are doing in class (i.e. Hamlet or Macbeth), the different documents will not only be given to you in posts, but will also be posted in a link box. If you have a question that is not answered by checking the blog, email me.  I will usually get back to you the day you send me the email.

At the top of the blog, you will notice that there are two labeled tabs -- Language Arts 10H, and Language Arts 12H.  To receive information that pertains to your classwork, click on the tab that is your class. To access any documents used in your class, simply go to the daily post and click on the orange highlighted text to download the document. Each post will be dated according to the day's work.

To check your grades, use PowerSchool.